Sometimes the distance between where you are and where you want to be feels impossibly far.
Not only does it feel far, but you're not actually sure how to get there, or if it's even possible.
No wonder you feel stuck.
In order to create stepping stones between you and the result you want, there's a great little tool I want to share called the RAFT - Results, Actions, Feelings, Thoughts.
👉 First, think about all the obstacles between you and your goal. What's in your way?
Is it lack of time? Lack of motivation? Inconsistency? Family demands? Stress?
Brainstorm all the possibilities and write them down.
👉 Next, pick one thing from the list to work on first. It could be the one that feels easiest to tackle right now, or maybe it's the one you know will have the biggest impact.
👉 You're ready to start building your RAFT:
R - What Result do you want to create?
A - What Actions do you need to take to create this result? What actions do you need to avoid?
F - How do you need to Feel in order to take these actions?
T - What do you need to Think to feel this way?
For example, my goal is to build muscle. The obstacle I've chosen to tackle first is not prioritizing strength workouts.
R - The result I want to create is more muscle.
A - To achieve this result, the actions I'm going to take are: having a workout prepared ahead of time, scheduling my workouts in the calendar, making sure my workout clothes are laid out the day before, increasing my weights over time. The actions I'm going to avoid are: not having a plan, moving my workout time (or deleting!) for another task, cutting my workout short.
F - In order to commit to these actions I need to feel committed.
T - To feel committed I need to think that these workouts are essential to my long-term heath and wellness. Being consistent will lead to results.
The thought is truly where all the magic happens. It's something you're going to want to write down and practice thinking throughout the day. How you think about what you're doing is the difference between success and failure.
As you tackle each obstacle between you and your goal, you're going to become more and more confident in yourself and your ability to make positive change. Your belief in what's possible will grow and the impact of that will filter out into so many areas of your life.